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Jul 2017

Isn't the same.
It isn't the same
As I used to feel.

Love with you
Was a burning passion
That was fueled by
Words and gifts

Love with you
Brought out the best
And worst in me

But that love changed.

Now love with you
Is a quiet hum

It can only be heard when
People are quiet

But you can feel it.

The calmness of this
Overcame my being

As the silence creeped in,
The darkness came with it

I swear,
I could feel the vines
Tugging on my heart

The anxiety drowned
Me in tears and
My screams
Couldn't be heard

Thoughts of losing
You came into my
Mind like
B u l l e t s
One by one

My knees are too weak
To pull myself back up

The silence grabbed me by
My neck and threw me across the
Farther from you.

Is this love?

The pain and suffering
Of the silence


Give me the fire once again.

Set my heart ablaze.

Love me with the passion
That I will never forget.

Just love me.
Mishy Kim
Written by
Mishy Kim
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