I want to cry My eyes are holding back the tears As I read all the emotions As I see all this hurt I know so many people who hurt And who ache And this kills me This world is so broken And no one is untouchable It kills me Watching as innocent people Get used By other people Who themselves used to be innocent Until the day wen they were used And its an endless cycle Of hurt people Turning around and hurting more This endless cycle of pain So many people screaming that they just want to be loved And every piece of me Is dying to scream at them How much I love them all But I've done that to some And im afraid iv only caused more pain So I'm stuck unable to help Only able to pray But the brokenness Is eating away And each day They get more broken And closer to ending it all And I know that pain All too well That's why I want to help Because I wouldn't wish my misery on anyone And I want so desperately to protect them all But I'm so weak And there's really nothing I can do So I sit back and watch this pain and watch this misery And all I can do is cry out to God to hear these people And to see the pain And I feel so helpless But I know that alone Is better than anything else I could do
So many people are hurting. And I don't think most people see the pain of everyone around them. They seem to think no one has it as bad as they do. But just because the pain is hidden doesn't mean it doesn't exist.