The dappled spots of Sun disappear when I step into them Still there but overshadowed by my own Feelings growing on me, like moss smothering the trees Been here too long now. Feet too heavy to drag forwards I can just stay here, right? Exist on the boundaries until my heart beats silent Until the yearning over runs And I die in the temporary mute of the world A woken state of dreaming Water gushes through and In the hush and rush of the current Carries my reality by And bye I've gone Just pale blue smoke left behind To disperse in the expanding warm air This place breathes me into its lungs Holds me there Exhales And I am done Pooled no more in one spot As this clear living lake Rather I'm everywhere And no where All in one time Expanded outwards past normal consequence Outgrown beyond the edges of my own fantasy
Its back. I must go?
Cold, pimpled skin As I descend into the dark Bound for a home that only exists in brick, Solid life With only a murmur of a pulse found When at night I can dream again Life for me being
Just dappled spots of Sun Still there but overshadowed by my own