It’s interesting: you can spot a fallen-away Catholic by the language they use- once learned, it can’t be taken away. Catholicism leaves an indelible mark on the tongue, a pattern in the script. People jaded, wounded, even rejected by wayward sheep and wolves in their skin bear the same brilliance the same cry for understanding. The Shepherd didn’t meet their expectations, or maybe they’ve abandoned all belief in His existence. No matter the qualm, they all bleat the same. There’s no removing the brand of baptism, the vocabulary of vocations. Even if a wall has been built between them and the Church, they still write the creed of their Fathers on its bricks.
This is not a reprimand, nor a criticism; it is a hand outstretched to all who broke away. It is a voiced desire to teach and learn by their side. This life does not hold all the answers, but we can pursue Knowledge Himself and reach the peak together.
I don't know everything about my faith, and in this lifetime I probably never will. I want to learn alongside all those who seek, knock, and ask for understanding, acceptance, and love.