As a child I struggled many a time With notions of rights and wrongs, Searching in the voice of parents Through approval and scolding Lessons to identify misconducts.
As an adolescent I began to challenge Conventional behaviours striving To find my peersβ admiration, long Considerations over good and evil To become someone deserving high regards.
Entering adulthood I withdrew from the gaze Of others as no one knew who I was and who I intended to grow into, making my own rules, Relying on instincts to drive, religious And philosophical reflections to call mine.
Now that I am half way through I realise Each and every human being stores In the depths of its consciousness a truth No mask can hide and no one can deny. Keys to the glorification of humankind,
Being faithful to oneself by living In the light of love, contagiously spreading The energy of kindness, getting rid of lacerating Desires of vengeance, retaliations for our own Frustrations, based on illogical self-contempt.
As I ponder on justice I have ceased to dwell, Eye for an eye or turn the other cheek, As the illuminated essence within me Inevitably resolve to peace. No revenge serves Any purpose if not that of perpetrating evil