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May 2017
My Dream

I dream of a significant other
to love me with pure love,
dedication and compassion.
A relationship
that personifies the definition of love
breaking all barriers.


Like the deep love of Neo and Trinity in Matrex
or Armageddon’s couple, Grace and A.J.
Like Romeo and Juliet's passionate love connection.

Better yet... the love my parents had
that lasted 56 years (of ages 94 and 90)
Who, cultivated a field of divine roses,
for me to see and value.

StarBG Β© 2017
I often find myself looking at big screen and saying I want a relation the way of the ones I see. Certain relationships appear to be so deep inside love I want that for myself. But then I think of my parents love and that was as strong and gave me my roots to be who I am. Thanks Mom and Dad.
Star BG
Written by
Star BG  66/F/New York
(66/F/New York)   
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