Girls they say they are not beautiful they're not helpful or useful but how can that be true those guys who say they love you they say it but don't mean it they use women for their benefit men like that don't deserve the light of day those men who can't keep what they say well i for one have a enough love isn't tough not if it's real the type of love even outliers can feel men and women should have that no more this is right and that's crap drop the walls and stop all the heart break falls Girls out there that a man break your world listen to me a man don't make your worth every woman no matter where they come from come take the hand of this man I'll be your friend every Girl out there that's wanting the pain to end listen to this and take it heart you're gorgeous and man that's says you aint needs to be out the door and away from you today look in the mirror your use in life is more than those men can see I learn that from the women in my life and the times that be Girls you are our worlds any man that says you're just another girl tell him good bye and give the ******* a whirl