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Apr 2017
Once upon a time
She ran away from her hometown
All the things she worked harder for
says her Goodbye
and restart all over again .
On the barren lands
everyone lost.
More half path
to the end
left to travel . .
faded away somewhere
which path to take
tall trees , scattered sunrays
and growing day by day
a chance to start living
And feel delighted
with all the time she had
wish not to be like someone else
And there will come a time ,
she'll get to shine
The End
Little scattered lines...
But compilations of lines from
most npmpoems ....
This is my attempt , hope you all like it
Druzzayne Rika
Written by
Druzzayne Rika  24/F/Living inside the poetry
(24/F/Living inside the poetry)   
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