Earth Day, April 22, 2017 "give back to Earth", as an "offering" for all the planet gives us.** For Global Earth Day information visit:
Her ominous shadow shown a path far beyond the miles high a majestic mountain stood
Silently climbing down million year old steep canyon walls at dawn, each step chosen carefully coursing with purpose
Finding a way forward was the only way to look back up river carved ravines where higher ground once stood
Instincts drawn downward gravity feed towards the faint murmurs deep echoes tracery down sheer basalt cliffs
Artesian waters' resounding gurgles ― bubble up to quench a lost soul’s incurably intrinsic parching thirst; to find an unfolding metamorphic peace in the trove of igneous fountain veins of earth
There’s not need to wait on sunrise pathways lit ― there is no fear of gravity’s downward silent weight nor burden to be borne
Listening beyond dark silence . igneous bedrock roots beckon deeper expanse ; spirit realms of ancient souls whisperer like thunder to the soul of man ―
Awakening ruptured lifelines deep below earthen crust , creations hidden essence eternally remembered by the light above ...