There is a circle of chairs in this room. To my left a man reads "Watchmen". Red converse, superhero jacket. Behind him, a red haired girl squeaks high pitched moans at her cell phone. On my right three pill bottles exchange philosophy on how to wake up Only one considers taking the advice. In front of me is a bulk of man, farm tattoos, blonde crew cut, Wife back home watching their two kids. He's building rapport with a lanky indie chick Knit cap & OBEY hoodie, viynal record brain, paper coffee cup hands By the map of America sits a quiet girl Trying not to be noticed Hoodie three sizes to big Grey, no coffee, no eye-contact Beside a blur of neon pink camoflauge A blob the shape of school bag packed for an overnight studying a dead body
Smack center of all of them? Me. Like IM the one that needs attention.