Blankly observing from the doorway Me on your mattress while you were gone I wake from my 9 to 4 Rest after third shift To your stare Sunken into the doorframe A limp contrapasto This is the first time you have shown me Honesty
You are not eager nor professional Manipulative, nor Passionate. Simply Home. You are home
I've never seen anything more beautiful set to the frequency of a good book After years of us swapping stories Shooting fireworks at comic book panels Lighting each other on fire when we aren't Quite sober of heart
When we speak in streetlight colors or profanity Artists after midnight You were never comfortable
Tonight you shed all mask Facade No intention, depression, expression You were done today with social interaction I've written you into a thousand novellas Without ever looking you in the eyes. I saw you today, Muse.
Honesty draped limp in contraposto Hanging limbo until I left silently manic Smirking out the front door for you So you could live vouyerless for awhile. Nose in a good book Heart stirring tornados in my chest again Like I was blinded by future ambition. You told me you found out what you wanna do with your life.