I thought the world would go out with chaos and zombies, at least the walking dead, it would be like wow.
But alas it wasn't meant to be, it went out with silence. Well near enough. The day before I was being my usual accidental self, I looked right, the way the traffic was coming!
Yes I didn't look left, who knew some pensioner wouldn't look at the road in forgotten pools that shimmered sight on there eyes.
Look listen, look again my mother used to say.. Now as I traverse the air, I feel myself broken. But in a flight almost unending, till I land, limply.
I thought the world would go out with chaos and zombies, at least the walking dead would be like wow...
But we take many steps, we walk so many in life, then we die. but some imagine there life as continual that they'll have footprints that will last.
As I lie here feeding the pavement my life, every step is a chosen one. We must not waste them, for it takes only one step to become static.
I see people rushing over to my fastening breath, how would have thought that out of the millions of steps I had taken this would be my last.