It was in the gray fall clouds that I met her. My hands quivering as my nerves were shot with lightning and out to the world around me. My northbound hair done neat and tidy, her hands were colder than the breeze encompassing us. It was the start to an age eclipsing seasons. But like all else, everything ends. The crisp leaves and our optimistic qualities fell at equal rate. Winter came around and stomped out all the seedlings too undeveloped to withstand it. For all of our journey, good and bad, went out the door. And this cold and bleak finale consisted of screams and shells of what once stood in it's place. After tears evaporated, so too did all we stood for. A monstrous, cyclical, almost-love.
I originally wrote this for a poetry class assignment, but didn't follow the prompt correctly, so I posted the unusual unusable one here!