the soul a collection of thoughts aptitudes weaknesses biases predilections a jumble of mind and what of free will and what of karma are there not fates pleasures and furies yogas of myriad heavens and hells
we find our selves a short stay in zombie land are we not the living dead have we not the freedoms of the living dead to suffer innumerable casualties of mind and body short lived pleasures and repugnant destinies to be inducted into armies of labor and war no work no eat the mantra imperative even rest exists for exertions sake to fight with our intimates or if alone to fight with our selves about our desolation divided by the chatter of inner confusion reality distortions so pervasive we drink water from mirages
palimpsests voices dubbed over lays voices over voices over voices a cacophony of whispers our version of free will driven by the impulse to get get get and while we lose lose lose
are we not manure for an acid soil destined for head stone city all the getters piled high and buried deep are we not dim witted children of the blind impulse panicked reflexive doll mannequins in a world so muddled that we only know what we be LIE ve