So still she lies, Sleeping. A cold room Cold thoughts. Under cover of cotton and linen.
A cold lonely wind Cries outside Longing to find solace In the warmth of our home But finding only that it devourers By its own devices What it so desperately desires.
Pain in my brow Forged with hers. Sharing breaks Up the pain-- Comfort of depression's transitory end.
Why do you hurt the ones you love When you want only peace?! A lover of the land Must plough the earth for yield Break the ground in fury To prepare it for seed.
This pain awaits our company Like a bottle to a drunkard Or a needle to a ******.
Comfort is pain Pain is comfort
In this violent serenity As the calm peaceful sea Can in one moment Turn into a tumultuous gale.
Is love for the using?! Can a person justify Putting lines of age on the face And gray hairs on the head Of the one they love?!
So many carry this burden. Love shares common ground-- Seasons for ploughing and planting And harvest, The season of closure.
So still she lies Beside me. A cold room Warmer thoughts. Under cover of cotton and linen.