It's the thing you feel when he stares The fluttering of wings that fills your head Its the goodbye waiting to happen The one you should have seen coming Its the life that has no light That you feel once he's gone
For all this is the way of love Its tearing down your heart While trying to mend The single thing he broke But that's not right For he broke more than just one thing He took the soul you had Twisting it in two Leaving it rotten in hell He broke the heart you once healed From a previous love Not only reopening the old, But making new scars, too He broke your mind Scarring your memories of everything you once held dear Making the new ones in terror
The final thing he broke The one that really counts Is this body you hold dear For he left reminders of his skin within yours The way he touched The way he kissed To the way he stared Now ever time you say your fine Everyone will know its a lie Because he made what he did to you visible And you can't hide what's not inside
He destroyed me in four ways First my mind Second my heart Third my soul