America, rollin’ its dice, hurlin’ ‘nades on the ice. what're we lookin’ for? who’re we huntin’ for? whether it’s a score to settle or another lie to peddle where do we go from here? how ‘bout that future we held dear? gone, done, buried, shunned. eat crow, *****, retch, and— run? don’t run. can’t run. these colors don’t run, I’ve heard. though maybe they flow against each other like water and oil in a grating chemical fash- ion that can’t be calculated or be sufficiently integrated like we dreamed they would. and dream we do, for America and her future, or so I hope, given that each year that passes leaves bruises and gashes in that fabric, so fragile, I hear. sad, wrong, and crooked; Trump’s America.
Edit (11/30/16): I want to be clear that I oppose everything Trump stands for. This man is a threat to democracy. This poem was my reaction to the election, and the lies he sold to his supporters.