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Oct 2016
Metropolitana di San Pietro

“If the Heaven’s are as beautiful,
as they are portrayed here in these paintings,
upon the ceiling of this cathedral,
in this city known as Bologna,
then I pray I go to Heaven,
I pray Heaven’s Angelic Escorts,
descend from there Heavenly Nest,
and carry me Home upon their white wings.”,

which would be fitting since I’m in a place of worship,  
at Cattedrale Metropolitana di San Pietro in Bologna,
feeling like Saint Peter not a preacher but a leader with words,
willing to be crucified and die in the name of God,
if it will help skeptics become believers,
seCattedralee even though I believe,
that every place is a place of worship,
most people tread upon earthly desires without any respect,

and I want to vent but I won’t get into all that now,
this is not the time or place,
this is a time and a place for prayers to be sent,
and I won’t let wants get in the way of prayers,


for world peace of course because what other prayer is as important,
people have been praying for peace in a different time in this same place for centuries,
since at least 1028 A.D. people have knelt before God at this cathedral,
I doubt I’m the first poet to have His prayers echoed across these marble walls,

“Oh God,
please help those that are hurting,
please help those that are lost find their way,
please heal this conditioned hatred with unconditional love.”

80 more were just murdered,
in The Nice Massacre just today July 14th, 2016,
mowed down by a psychopath in a 20 ton cargo truck,
in acts this atrocious we are lost at who to blame,

so I’m praying praying for the murdered and their families,
I’m praying for the murderer and his family too,
because in atrocities such as this,
all involved are victims even the culprits,

at the pulpit I pray,

“Oh God,
I’m both disheartened and inspired by humanity,
I see so many wonderful creations,
and so much horrible destruction.”

I have a #1 best selling book out right now,
but I honest don’t know if it even matters,
because what good are the most healing words,
if most of those hurting don’t read them,
I’m doing the best I can,
I give away all literary profits to charity,
but when it comes to giving to charity,
you can give everything you have and it’s still not enough,

so I try and give globally and act locally,
I smile and try and be kind and considerate to everyone I meet,
but even those who are most faithful can begin to become doubtful,
when they are nice to those around them but most people respond by being mean,

I mean it’s hard to stay faithful especially when everyone heeds help,
even myself what’s wealth when it comes with doldrums,
see rich and poor are monetarily very different,
but one thing they have in common is they’re both hurting just in different ways,

so I pray,

“Oh God,
please show me a sign because all I see when I walk down this street,
is sins that are alive and striving and blessings that seem to be slowly dying,
1 smile for every 10 frowns I know because I count the faces of even those I don’t meet.”,

even I have a tear in my eye God,
but I just blame it on the cold morning winds,
it seems nothing’s changed even though I’m now famous,
it’s like I’ve got all the ammo in the world but don’t know where to aim it,

and that is why I’m praying,

“Oh God,
allow your angels to carry me Home,
upon golden wings of loving Light,
I swear to You I’m ready to go,
ready when You are there is no need to keep writing,
it all feels in vain anyways because no matter what we say people keep killing,
I mean what good is writing the signs when those that need them most don’t read them,
what good are hopeful promises that people make when those that make them don’t keep them?”,

“See even though it all feels in vain still I will continue to faithfully,
write until You take me home,
I continue to write wherever I be ,
which currently is between massive twin pillars of marvelous marble,

at this place of worship,
entitled the Cattedrale Metropolitana di San Pietro,
I write words of hope and wisdom,
in the hopes that the masses will listen,

whether at a beautiful cathedral,
or on worn streets either way I write to warn worn souls,
so hopefully You can reach the people ,
through these prayers in the form of these verses,

from ghettos and prisons to palaces and churches,
I continue to faithfully write,
as I do this very moment at this cathedral,
on this day the 15th of July 2016 A.D. in this present moment of time,

“ Oh God if the Heaven’s are as beautiful,
as they are portrayed here in these paintings,
upon the ceiling of this cathedral,
in this city known as Bologna,
then I pray I go to Heaven,
I pray Heaven’s Angelic Escorts,
descend from there Heavenly Nest,
and carry me Home upon their white wings...

∆ Aaron La Lux ∆
Please God
Written by
Aaron LaLux  33/M/Hollywood
   Bianca Reyes
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