"More squirrels" She exclaims And I wonder what In the world Could it be This particular time!?*
It usually starts like this...
Every once in a while I find her Lost In her own thoughts Gazing At nothing in particular But everything At once.
At times Like these She is a genius Gone crazy.
I catch a glimpse Of those star-bound eyes And try To guess The stride Of her imagination Without Much luck.
Could she be thinking about… A universe made entirely out of glass? Why humans don’t have a tail Anymore? Reasons behind love at first sight? Or what to name the 3rd butterfly She saw today?
In her picture perfect Stillness I can viscerally sense A divine flow Of thoughts And it evokes in me The wonder That one experiences While watching A calm river flow Knowing Turbulent currents Are ever present Just hidden Deep inside.
If I Shake her vigorously I know for sure At least 23 ideas And 47 musings Will fall around And we will laugh hilariously.
But I dare not For the fear Of my life. She is an artist Painting With her imagination And you Don't disturb artists Do you?
Once she’s back To the material realm She comments Randomly About how we need More squirrels In the world.
I almost always Immediately concur. Then slowly ask “why?”.
She gives me One of those looks. Like the ones You give your dog When it’s looking At you eating food And you’re deciding If you should Give it a small bit Or not.
If I am persistent enough She gathers All her thoughts And illustrates With one of the most Amazing stories The important role Of squirrels To save our Doomed world.
After listening To her Seemingly logical And Completely weird Stories I nod obediently Then carefully Check If her coffee Has something mixed in it.
The gesture Makes her Burst out in laughter Every single time.
And we repeat this Day after day Night after night.
I'm so used to it That now Even if I hear "Cement flowers" "popcorn candies" Or "balloon bullets" I am mentally prepared To understand The story Behind all of it.
That’s how it is. She keeps daydreaming About stuff And I keep dreaming about her.