will my endeavor be fruitless ? did I neglect slumber, live in solitary for days, numb my sorrow with alcohol trap myself within the same walls I get lonely in being only distracted by the scribbling of this pen on a paper just to leave thou with discontentment ? a poets worst nightmare; (an underappreciated piece)
I am writing a poem for one who has words in the palm of her hands like God has the earth I am writing to one whom words bow down to her feet like prophets to God while on his throne he seats. Is my piece profound enough to make thy beautiful brown eyes water or make your skin prickle with goosebumps ? will my words speak to you in ways no one ever has that my piece becomes your drug when you want to flee from all that chastises you ? I can only hope the first stanza grasps your attention and you get lost in poetic bliss and the last leaves you breathless to the point you crave my kiss to restore air to your dying lungs. But that's probably just wishful thinking your least liked piece is probably more breathtaking than my most cherished you leave your readers satiated by your words and rhythm that they now worship you. they yearn to ease their angst by reading what you vent. how intimidating it is to write a poem to a poet great anxiety as they fixate their eyes on the paper you hope, you just hope they don't roll their eyes in disdain at the last full stop.