Sorrow splits the night like lightning in the sky. I see strangers with an endless reserve of tears clouding their red and bag heavy eyes. Makes me wonder why they had to live to see their children die.
I pass by these borders you plan to build thick brick walls to block you from how all these strange foreigners feel, but I will take all the pain they receive, make their scars a permanent part of me. I will see this life break me of all those playful star trek fantasies of how we will be better human beings.
Cause, I have seen babies wearing bullet holes like little red onesie, and crimson bibs,
seen pictures of places we will never be, decimated cities, with scars so deep that even the stones bleed.
I shudder knowing we do not need Hollywood monsters because real nightmares exist over there.
Please tell me how do I move on from these portraits of pain.