the world is a dangerous place for daughters, for sisters, aunts, nieces, girlfriends. she asks herself if she deserved to be taken advantage of, chased, belittled, grabbed, hurt. fear is instilled in each girl, their rights withheld, respect weaned, voiced silenced because of their anatomy. filled with guilt at their mere existence while rapists sleep soundly. people say it wouldn't have happened if you dressed more conservatively, if you didn't lead him on, he couldn't help himself, it's natural, you should be flattered you stuck up ***** I'm talking to you. a man that goes too far is excused for being a boy, while a girl walks to her car in the middle of the night, fearful for her own life. a naked woman lying in the street is not asking for anything that she doesn't speak. why does the first "yes" mean "yes" and the first "no" mean "persist" ? why do you get an excuse to act how you want but I'm not granted the same privledge every 28 days? at what age do you tell her that she will be violently pursued, cursed, assaulted, undermined, paid less because the structure of her body. Why does every girl have a heartbreaking story that she was made to feel guilty for? like she could have done something to change it, when the thing that needs changing is the one that thinks "well you see the way she dressed, she brought it on herself." I hope I don't have a daughter, but a son instead so I won't have to be the one to put fear in her head.