I swear I haven't gone insane <br> But it seems insanity is what the world is accustomed to <br> Allowing hell to roam freely through our streets <br> Flooding homes with nothing but darkness and despair <br> Killing off the innocent <br> While allowing the wicked reign over all with an iron fist <br> It all happens so often <br> It is as if this was how life was meant to be <br> Plunged into chaos <br> As it paints mother nature red to resemble that of a black...beauty...rose <br> <br> Rewriting a story that always ends the same <br> A story of no mercy <br> Not even to the children who now lie lifeless in their own beds <br> As a mother holds their severed heads close to her ***** <br> Hoping they'd hear the sound of her heart beating and rise from their own ashes <br> But even she knows it is too late for their poor innocent souls <br> Causing her to cry blood tears as red as a black...beauty...rose