Don't get too confident Somebody will make you tumble off to the side It's just how this ride Of the wave and momentum goes You have to embrace it Or it will devastate anything you thought you had Don't question it Just imagine yourself as the best you can be at the moment Ignore the other lights Just ingest and harvest the energy you have To illuminate the rest of the space And become a better version of a flawed creation Improve your relations With the neighbors They might be a good reason your future Improves Don't try to disprove Me You know if you keep comparing You will be staring At only the dirtiest pair of eyes And the sane humans can only handle the most devious of eyes for only so long. Add your own theme But do not fall for the scheme That tries to entrench itself within everyone. You might find yourself feeling like a trillion Or a praised pavilion But one day you will be intimidated to such a point that you'd question your worth with the very bottom layers of the dirt My one condensed way of shortening this piece Don't.