She is preserved at the greenery fading inside the floating yellows her mellow as the sun set strikes face wondering on the future mirror
She longs to encase inside her cocoon unhurt the pain pierced in her ribcage the spent morrow of blunt perceptions wavering the chronic deserted day
She is alone in a world of within without the touch of the yester clouds* the tremor of her upset is unreliable watering the chronic ail she donned
She feels the crystal pain on the dial rails of entrust and forgotten tense the troubles of the self sacrifice travellers trespassing ***** gates of wired shield
She knows when her well is overfilled finding a self that can embrace life the compromised placid meanders flowing the alive esse of a today
She moans of eons undignified trying to excavate her sinking soul the one that made her feel like she revealing the reality of her unusual peace
She jumps like a seasonal seesaw illusions parading the absolute truce a muse of delicate authentic flavours transversing the idealised time and space
She knows herself best when isolated when the moon sinks and the night draw when vagaries explode in the chaotic skies *when the pearl starry sun stares in her iris