I felt it all the pain that comes with support You told me you were broken and tired I told you I know not of being broken and tired The only absolute in my life is chemtrails I live a life that is manufactured I specialize in manufacturing conspiracies for a sinister purpose I live on an island of ruins of my own make The demons that occupy me are devour and destruction.
Plastic Backbones Plastic Backbones They support nothing within Me or you
So I won't tell you lies of Good health ,good life, above everything I can't comfort you or love you.
I degenerate when left alone for while My ways are selfish (it's all about ME) I demand attention day and night
So do me a favor let me drive myself Into ruins Let me free you of my own pain ,Because my pain doesn't like being attended to
Run save yourself, don't let my eyes destruct your vision Run , let out sighs ,grow, let HIM carry your dry bones to a new destiny island.
All I wish for you is to meet a new you Free yourselves from the former you which is ME[Plastic Backbones]