Lots of tears Lots of panic Lots of being Wary. But! I refuse to let one Or two bad experiences Make me miss out on A life with you because I love you. I just do.
Your laugh, your smile, Everything.
I can't think of something I don't Just love.
My ease when it comes to speaking to you No forethought, No pressure of judgment It's like being able to breathe Cold fall air After muggy summer swamp air For three months straight.
But then you said it back. Wait, back up. You said it back.
And you've said it to me at least Five times today and it's only 6:55 PM (as I wrote out the rough draft to this)
And we can still speak About everything from life to games To geekery to the most lovely aspects of life and I've been pretty happy at the most For awhile, But I'm flying.
I'm flying with you, Bluebird.
I had to write this out on my mom's notepad on the fridge because my phone was dying and my computer was in the other room.