It was dark. A black curtain seem to cover the Earth. Shadows played in the infinite night while demons screamed their songs. It has been hard to walk among them for so long. I ware an old shroud around me and walked barefoot. But today is the final day. The final day in the dark. I am a collector. I collect light. I have collected enough for one day to shine. 24 hours of shine. Its all I need. You see everyone here cannot remember what a sunny day looks like. Even in their dreams the day is night. That is until today. I take a walk to one of the last churches standing. It looks much like a normal house. I suppose its why it was overlooked and never destroyed. Before I unleash the light I walk down the aisle and kneel before I sit down on the pew. I close my eyes and pray. As I pray the light begins to pour out of me. I pray and I pray until the church is full of light! I never realised that the light would pour out of me during prayer. I then open the shutters to all the windows and let the light outside. The light cuts through the darkness as I begin to hear screams unbound. The demons in their anger destroy the final church letting all the light out into the dark world. A mistake on their part. The light illuminates the world in an instant. I remove the old shrouds around me and let my wings spread. I then take flight upon the new day. As I hear the demons screaming in agony below.