A man once told me, "Never write a movie where a man is left shouting after a woman who is sure to return"
I was raised by wolves and Don Quixote lead with(in) the heart; regret with(in) the brain dead weight hangs hungry in my chest I see fear creep in my knees my teeth are looking to be tested my skin is stained like a constellation capricorn gemini pisces I am my own galaxy: only porcelain angels looking over me backstage pass to my caterpillar identity crisis My imagination (machinations of muddled emotions) was waiting for someone like you
His laugh rattles my subconscious and decomposes my rigor mortis kiss youmeus like your tongue was made of money finger me as much as I do my hair I like sinking into your mind; it's warm in here Eggs&Baco;; bread & butter you're the apple pie to my adam's apple (with all the cavities) I'm a headless chicken framing instant coffee amber memories ice cream melts the closer I get to the sun...
It rained today. Some statues talk, some people have nothing to say; who will you dip in gold and call your temple? Why does it have to be art and not just us? you're just another outlet mall; your sheep are in Leeds the shoes are from your closet and I need reupholstering my feet will go where they dare but the yellow brick road is turmeric and shame I'm on a deserted island and all I see are birds all my doors have a neon EXIT sign It began and ended with the Space Odyssey-