I'm so tired but you won't let me sleep anxiety...
you are my constant companion you've protected me showed me the truth
you've lied to me we've lost friends and even Family for awhile you always leave me wondering about everything and everyone
I can't trust myself I can't trust you I can't trust them
The only thing I can do is to accept things the way they are trust in something bigger turn it over
Try to be in the moment and not back look at yesterday It wouldn't do me any good anyway Im trying not to look forward too much toward tomorrow Try to hold it together you're really racking my nerves I wouldn't want to ever have a nervous break ......down I wouldn't want you to get back together with depression The two of you together are nothing but trouble
I hear there's a pill that can make you go away but really there's no such thing as selectivity dulling emotions And who's to say anyway this isn't supposed to be a part of who I am?