Humanity Has lost its way Forgotten what it meant to live Greed rules the lands Hate divides And ignorance shackles
Humanity Has began to die Corruption reigns with an iron fist Can't seem to find the light amongst the fog of evil To give power to those that would lead to healing
Humanity It means we'll all rot To be herded by the lies of the media Beauty is the only way Thin is beauty Shallow is beauty Fraud is beauty To be separated by outdated prejudice Gays are sinners White is the true superior race Money can buy anything, Even love To be set on a road of self destruction Poverty is for the lower class Intelligence is for the weak Individuality is for the outcasts
Humanity Has forgotten what it means to be human To find the balance Love without fear Fight the injustice for freedom of thought, Freedom to be unique, Freedom to live, To live with a purpose
A purpose That's what Humanity has lost
Humanity just keeps worsening and soon, it'll cease to even know what it means to be human.