The color introduced by daylight The color of our first sight The color brought by sunrise The color reflected in your eyes The color painted by sunset The color when we first met The color of fire and blaze The color of your melting gaze The color of blood flowing and shed The color of the words you've said The color you wore that day The color of brick walls in the way The color of your cheeks and lips The color of and apple that fell to a cliff The color of soaring balloons The color of the ****** moon The color of roses that mesmerize and ***** The color of promises, now making me sick The color of memories and flashbacks The color of wanting you back The color of my anger The color of our faded fervor The color of hearts and celebration The color of separation The color of warmth and heat The color of loss and defeat The color of what has been The color which I'll never see again The color introduced by your presence The color stolen by your absence Red is the color of the blazing sun Red isn't the color, now that you're gone Red is the color of love in our eyes Red isn't the color when that love faced demise