I'd rather be paper, And I mean this with every word, I know this sounds like a contrary, But my decision is firm.
Because darling', people can write upon you, Stories of pain and remorse they wish to let go, You can be their solace in this dying breath, Say, has not ever paper made you feel home?
Then somebody can play origami, you know, They could turn me into a butterfly, So before this paper girl flys away with the wind, I'd have my wings to shoot across the sky.
And I'd rather have a paper heart, I'd rather be fragile than strong, Because darling', just listen to me once, Aren't strong the people who've been hurting weak for so long?
Yes, I'd rather get hurt than hurt the millions, Because if you didn't know and if you didn't see, fragile is how we start. And fragile is beauty, beauty born from pain, Just take my own and hand me over a paper heart.