one day someone will walk into your life just at the right time and you will think that all of your unanswered questions are answered and that all of your loose ends are ******* and that all of your fears and worries will go away. you will be wrapped up in their arms and you will feel warm safe, complete, whole. you will unknowingly put their happiness before yours and they will take and take and take and you won’t even notice and you will think it’s all okay because you will think while they are taking parts of you, they are giving you parts of them as well. and maybe they are. but one day after it’s been a long time and after they complete your thoughts and after they know your biggest secret and after they know how you like your coffee and they have memorized your wardrobe so they know when you buy a new shirt you will find out that they weren’t giving you all of them. you will find out that you have run yourself dry and they are still standing tall and so little of you is inside of them that they can walk away and they can be sad for a moment but they can forget about you. you will be left wondering what went wrong and you will want to go back to them because it is the only thing that you know and you have forgotten that once, before they walked into your life, you were okay. you were fine. you were happy and not sad and not missing them or anyone for that matter. there will be days and nights when you are so sad that you can’t get up from your bed and there will be times when you look at yourself and only see him and there will be moments when you feel the entire world crashing down and there will be seconds when the world seems to stop spinning. but let me tell you this- one day, you will be okay again. not because you found someone else to complete your thoughts or know your favorite things, but because you realize that you can do all of this on your own. you can write your own sentences and you can experience things without someone by your side and making you think that you need them in order to truly be happy. first ,you will be sad. you will be sadder than you have ever been and you will write in your journal and listen to depressing music and feel like you can’t move on and like you can’t be alone. but one morning you will wake up and he won’t be the first thing you think of. one night you will go to sleep and appreciate a bed all to yourself and not wish that he, or anyone else, was there too. one day you will see who you are and what you can do and how little you need someone else. one day you will not give yourself away to someone and you will keep it all within you. one day you will be okay. one day.