"So why are you painting a woman in a bottle?" The challenge. Handling all those quirky reflections and layers of transparency.
"She has phantom arms and legs, what about that?" Yes, pretty cool. A Vitruvian woman in a bottle.
"I'm looking for Meaning: Don't paintings look under the surface?" You mean, what does it mean, really mean? It's just a way to test my skill.
"But what are you saying with that?" It's not feminist nor anti, it's just an exercise. Besides, there's a rope.
"But aren't you, as an artist, exposing reality, presenting emotions and feelings, seeing the soul?" I'm not on a soapbox-- I'm testing my skill-- I paint and don't think about it too much. After all, 'Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar' or is it 'just a smoke'? *
"I don't like your message." OK, I'll paint you in a bottle... As a shrunken head.
On the other hand, I once painted an agricultural scene based on a photo from the 1930s that I thought carried a social message. Most people wanted to know what kind of tractor it was.