Automobiles and road rage Alcohol and steering wheels Texting and driving The Military and U.S. Steel Banks and mercy Fashion and comfort Priests and Godliness Trade alliances and imports.
Republicans and The Constitution Bigots and non-Caucasians Christians and homosexuals Unbalanced equations. Elitists and human flaws The rich and the poor. Anger and loaded guns You and the Jews next door.
They are naturally equal But they’re exactly opposite Sometimes they balance But often there’s no sense to it.
Attorneys and justice Lobbyists and compassion. Science and the church Trust and politicians. Monsanto and private farms Pipelines and ecology Fracking and water rights Minorities and majorities.
Hope and desperation Citizen’s rights and Tea Party Media and integrity Politics and morality Free enterprise and monopolies Censorship and free press Freedom of expression And illegal social duress.
They are naturally equal But they’re exactly opposite Sometimes they balance But often there’s no sense to it.