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Apr 2016
Who am I? You ask me
I'm the girl who drinks everyday
The one who overdoses on medicine
Takes pills for no reason
Finding new ways to hurt myself
Without bleeding of my skin

I'm a lonely, sensitive girl
I avoid people most of the time
But I have friends around
Talk about things that astound
I'm strange, they're strange
We're all pretty chill

I'm also the girl who hazes
4:20 AM/PM, that's my fave time
When I'm stressed, I take a hit
No way I'm throwing a fit
Especially when I'm high
Wanting to forget everything

That girl with many flaws
Just like any other teenager
Who could love an addict like me
I'm here, nowhere to flee
May there's someone out there
Who would love me no matter what

That's me, all in this one poem
You can stop reading here
It ain't going any further
Like  killer committing ******
The poem ends here
Now I'll get my lighter; time to get high
Written/revised on 3/20/16
Rotten Meat
Written by
Rotten Meat  22/Other
   Samuel Hesed
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