I look back. A dad, a sister, a brother, a mom. Moving five, seven, no, thirteen times. A father gone, A sister to school. Another stepdad, No three boyfriends. Of all, two criminals.
I look back more. Three, four, school districts. You promised one final. Promise not kept.
Iām sixteen. My first car, breaks. My second car, breaks. My third car, Mom breaks.
One, three, four attempts. Goodnight.
I break; But looking back It could have been worse. No dad, no mom; Just brother and sister.
At least I have three. Goodnight.
I wrote this when my mother was struggling with depression. Every day she would yell at me, and say all she wanted to do was **** herself. Right after an attempt on herself, this poem was written. I keep it to remind me of the dark before the light. She is doing much better now.