8 a.m. An excuse to leave the bed Leaving behind your warm ghost But no hands to hold as I rise afterwards Your hands - as an excuse - Hold the cold mug, raise it to your lips An excuse to not share the mug To share a last kiss Those hands, opening the front door Your feet walk out - a mumbled goodbye Being late is always a good excuse I remain alone at the table The ghost has left the room and entered my thoughts That soft gaze never meets mine Like it used to, after I stopped being a stranger Am I becoming, once again, A stranger?
Your smile, now a straight line There are Casual texts, half hearted laughs You start forgetting to leave your shirts behind Remember you have dinner with a friend And your favourite chicken Grows cold with each passing waiting second You don’t moan as much as you used to The once tinted sparks have faded And my bedroom floor grows cold With each expecting second Of stumbling feet, thrown jeans Crumpled sheets as two bodies meet But bodies turn away on their sides When nights only become about sleeping And sleeping becomes forgetting Forgetting to remember I’m still there
And, your hands, Now clinging onto a cold metal bar As a train pulls your further away Has forgotten what warmness once felt like Laced fingers slipping, loose, distant Opposite of our lips Tight, closed in, nothing to say No reason to open and fall on each other Only a reason to fall, away And away you go each morning Excuses ready Love has been set in stone, put on hold Because hold my hand, you do not The past finds itself, repeating itself And we are strangers once again Warmness has become A stranger But in the desperate hours Of early morning excuses The ghost of it lingers In the spot you slept in