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Feb 2016
Baby don’t cry
Momma says to me when the red and blue lights flash and she’s pulled away from me
Oreos at the table with the nice officer
Can’t remember if it’s a real memory, feels like it is

Baby don’t cry
Momma says with skinned knees so dry
Daddy pushes me on the swing so **** high
Why am I afraid of heights?

Baby don’t cry
Momma says as the black and white cat walks past
Promises of broken pieces being mended
Fingertips at my backside pressing in

Baby don’t cry
They all say with kind eyes and slight smiles
Baby don’t cry, you’re oh so strong
Can’t cry if you don’t even feel sad

Baby don’t cry
Momma says, slitting two lines into her wrist
This is how you show pain, not tears
Maybe I should try it myself.
Jacqueline P
Written by
Jacqueline P
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