In every century You will hear of a comet lost in time; Haley's was here an eye blink ago, And the rivers replenish the oceans One and again. There will be a small light in the sky That you will not see tomorrow Because it is now dead, And it died millions of years Before the luminous rays hit The first womb of Eve. There will be children grown Into formidable singulars, And each one is barely here When the sun yawns, another passes away. And when the sky is full You will count the stars With your child, just to teach them how To count. The eclipse will haunt one because it is Like a darkness that comes to visit In between one decade and another, You will question yourself to see Where you were before. And there are premature moons, Babies of the cosmos, And you will name one after your daughters That brought you to look Again at the hopeful skies. And when you are done here, As you leave for eternity To the Blue Sun, You will look back And see the tiny miniscule miracle That was a star being born.