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Jan 2016
Dear old friend,
Remember that little pig tailed girl?
Dressed in pink...
Only to think
She's sitting in her room right now
With her pigtails ruined
Makeup smeared
Crying because your not here
Ever since you left
She's been so depressed
Hoping one day soon
She'll take her last breathe

She's gotten so good at hiding her pain
No one even notices
She knows she's the blame
Her new best friend doesn't know
But only because she never showed
The scars on her skin in fear of people leaving
When really
It gets them grieving
And they know your in need of saving
She doesn't want to be weak anymore
Because one day the cops will be knocking at her parents door
With a note
written on it
"I wasn't worth it"

They think it's all an act
It's been hell since you were gone
And maybe she'll be soon gone too
With you
Dear best friend,
I was never worth it
I'm that little pigtailed girl and people just lost focus...
Still working on my poetry hoping to get better
Kaylee Ann Chechak
Written by
Kaylee Ann Chechak  Pittsburgh
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