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Dec 2015
... or, who took the MAN out?

Who took the MAN out of romance?
Who plucked the peacock of quill?
Was it a private performance?
Was it by sheer force of will?

Who took the MAN out of manners?
Did it take magical powers?
Who threw in the nails and spanners?
Perhaps they emulate ours.

Who took the FEM out of feminine?
Was it a trial? A test?
Is it SO cool to be masculine?
***inine's what we have left!

Do we all need to lose gender?
Do all the answers lie there?
Should we all be as the blenders?
Is that decree really fair?

I'm for the lady. The gentleman.
SORRY. It's been building a while.
I just came to air out the sentiment
I love the ol' fashion styles!

Who took the MAN from romantic?
I'm guessing. It's only a hunch.
It may be the one who's got plastic
And insists upon


(C) 12/29/2015
All rights protected
'Nuf said.
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