This one goes with the others. The other stash away poems with your name on it. Its a shame that you'll never read these in your lifetime. Funny how youre close to my heart but far past my mind. I want to let you in and all but other days I feel as if you wouldnt appreciate & take tender care of it. I'm afraid that you will not be able to understand my complexity & that there's more to me than I seem. But how can I take you on a tour of my mind when I gave you my heart & you're abusing it? My sanity is 'bout the only thing i have left- if I even have that. I would be a fool to give my mind & heart for you to keep then bash me with my own feelings, all because I let you in. My fears in letting you in stick deep. Which is why I have these writings stashed away, maybe one day you'll be prepared to face the real me.
Dedicated to the poets that contemplate on letting a certain venture into their minds when you know in actuallity they dont deserve to know you like that