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Dec 2015
No One Dies In Lilydale


Driving through a misty autumn night
I lost my way with no one in sight
A ghostly town in the gloom appeared
Eerie visions in a haunting light
Old gingerbread houses on a silent street
The night wind it starts to wail
Not a soul about here to meet
A signpost foretells of a strange tale
Reading “no one dies in Lilydale”
Each home had a strange shingle
Reading them my spine did tingle
Talk you lost love step this way
We speak with the dead every day
Over forty signs on every picket gate
Lilydale is the center of the spirit talkers
My soul was troubled I had lost my love
If only I could speak with her from up above
How I would say what had been missed
Her perfect loving and her sweet kiss
Trembling as I knocked on the door
An aged wrinkled woman I saw
Come here my son come in from the rain
Your love shall speak to you once again
We sat on her sofa she took my hand
She said your love is here
Beside you she does stand
You two will meet again
When your time on earth is done
Now you must take care of your young son
Do everything that you can
To bring him up to be a good man
I could feel her, she is close to me
My terror is gone I lose my fears
My eyes are streaming loving tears
I say I love you honey please don’t go
Please stay with me how I need you so
The old lady said your love has gone
I drive away out of the misty place
Tears still streaming down my face
My task is now renewed
My son I will never fail
You know that no one dies in Lillydale
Lily Dale was incorporated in 1879 as Cassadaga Lake Free Association, a camp and meeting place for Spiritualists and Freethinkers. The name was changed to The City of Light in 1903 and finally to Lily Dale Assembly in 1906. The purpose of Lily Dale is to further the science, philosophy, & religion of Spiritualism.[1]

Lily Dale is a hamlet located in the Town of Pomfret on the east side of Cassadaga Lake, next to the Village of Cassadaga. Located in southwestern New York State,[2] it is one hour southwest of Buffalo, halfway to the Pennsylvania border. Lily Dale's year-round population is estimated to be 275. Each year approximately 22,000 visitors come for classes, workshops, public church services and mediumship demonstrations, lectures, and private appointments with mediums.[3] In recent years, guest lecturers have included Lisa Williams, Dee Wallace, members of "Ghost Hunters," Tibetan monks, James Van Praagh, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and Deepak Chopra.
Written by
Jude kyrie  Canada
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