Am I accepted here throughout The poetry world? Though I am a liar (But you all know my pain) And a sociopath, I still love the make beieve world, Like dreaming I was naked In an NFL stadium And had to run across the field To a door that kept on disappearing And reappearing on the other Side of the field.
I know myself better than my Psychiatrist does, But the truth of the lie is I love the words more than myself, And the mass darkness I live in Is filled with a universe of Make believe.
So I write the Galactic Sea And yes I am a crazy person, So I defiled my name and the dream Became reality. I believe in my words And I am hungry for these truthful Poets who sieze poetry At its throat and follow Their scripted verses. (I hear repetition has much to do with insanity)
Sure I am hungry for love But Im in a relationship with sedatives, The sadness of these poet saints In a mammoth sized disproportionate Reality, Ive read my psychanalysis And it turns out Im a poet with dreams Who knows the difference Between a star and a lightbulb.