Lord, God of many names I come as a pagan So that the right One Might hear my moans....
You are not a God that is either Republican or Democrat, You are partisan and unheeding To their propaganda, You do not need the popular vote, Nor do you speak lies in speeches.
About the monsters You left in charge....
They speak sweet nothings in Your name While they rush to cameras when A thousand die. They secretly take in the money For the poor and raise funds For their bunkers when the Day of Reckoning comes. With their atomic know how And the fear mongering tactics, Tney seek to rule me imperialistic, They seek to destroy me moralistic.
Will you deliver me from their policies, Save me from their budget cuts, Confuse their sinister programs?
When the day of final Judgement comes, Send me an Angel, Be my refuge from the socialist control, Keep me safe from their propaganda Mind alterating political promises, Save me from their campaign commercials, Keep those who seek You Under your safety and Bullet proof vests.