The ship(notified) lost leisurely drifts over waves westwards, "Unhurried hereafter" is the slogan written on it's mast it would seem to an onlooker. A net is cast wide, to catch as much fish as the tired crew now needs. Each furious wave that rushes towards the ship changes tack, proclaims a frothy message of peace. No more communication exchanges causing disturbances, no hurry any more. None waits for the lost ship, in any distant shore, with a binocular, or spanning a Radar, uneasily . The crew had already forgotten every mission undertaken before. It has no schedule, deadlines, plan the ship feels more buyout than ever before ,just floats along, as if it's a tranquil thought, towards the direction where the purple sun prepares to set dramatically. Accompanied by two astonished whales, sailing along like two mates, the ship, now a lone wolf,with a hidden yearning has become more alive, once declared lost.