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Nov 2015
He lifts her off her feet
And he pulls her back inside,
She had come out of that closet
Weeks ago.

He grips her sides
And moves in close
With his heartbeat
Matching hers.

She lives within this moment
And she never wants an ending.
She's wrapped up in his need
For all she has.

She tries to pull him with her,
Bring him outside of that small room
So dark and closed and empty
In her heart.

But as she puts her lips on his
And he begins to move them downward
She loses all the thoughts
Within her head.

He accepts her and she knows it
And that makes her love him deeper
But he cannot understand
The way she feels.

When she's outside of that small space
She can feel all that desire
For the strength of his hand
And the small of her back.

But when she's back inside that closet
He is all that is within her
And she knows it would be easier
To just stay hidden up in there.

But it cannot be that simple
Not for her or for another
And she knows that she can't hide it
For this long.

So she'll let out all these feelings
In that small and empty closet
As he lifts her off her feet
And he pulls her back inside.
Written by
rootsbudsflowers  23/F
   parttimeboy and Kaila Martin
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