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Oct 2015

Sampaguitas to fragrance her mane
She whispereth sir Brandon;
Mine husband
Mine king.


I layeth down the counterpane
frankincense and myrrh aligned;
Tea candles surrounding ourn jungle
Of a bedspread romantic design.


Tis we loseth, track of all time
She sloweth her breathing, I singeth for her, she smiles and sayeth it's pleasing; ourn heart's steadily yet quickly beating, as if we were drunkened off of lover's delight divine.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl jane nagley dedication ( Filipino rose )
Sampaguitas are beautiful Arabic flower's but also the name is Filipino and grows in the Philippines and is a beautiful miniature rose looking flower so beautiful..
Mane is thick hair...
counterpane is like a blanket..
brandon nagley
Written by
brandon nagley  Ohio,USA..
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